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Hate Crime

Hate Crime in the Educational Sector

Introduction Schools have a duty of care to all registered pupils.  Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 places a legal duty on maintained schools and local authorities in England and Wales to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.  Additionally, Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 […]

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Hate Crime in the Workplace

Protected Characteristics Under the Equality Act 2010 It is against the law to be discriminated against at work based on one or more of your protected characteristics.  Under the Equality Act 2010, the protected characteristics for which a worker will be afforded protection against discrimination are age, disability, gender reassignment, […]

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Hate Speech

The Right to Freedom of Expression and its Limitations Freedom of expression is a fundamental right protected under the Human Rights Act 1998 by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), and it is also protected under common law.  However, this right, “carries with it duties and […]

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Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Crime

What is anti-social behaviour (ASB)? Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is defined by the Antisocial Behaviour Act (2003) and the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act (2011) as, “behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the […]

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Why Are Hate Crimes Underreported?

Introduction According to Tackling Hate, a UK based initiative established to tackle hate and extremism in the United Kingdom, less hate crimes are reported to the police than non-hate crimes.  The Home Office has found that only one in four victims of a hate crime report it to the police.  […]

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